My pets drawn in a more childrens book style. From left to right; Leo the Standard Poodle, Cocoa the late Chowchow, and Peaches the ornery toy poodle
Meine Haustiere gezeichnet in eine mehr Buchart der Kinder. Von links nach rechts; Leo der Standardpudel, Cocoa der späte Chow-Chow und Peaches der ornery Spielzeugpudel.
I'm a graduating artist from Ringling College of Art and Design. I focus in Illustration, specifically painting digitally and traditionally. My dream is to become a concept artist for movies and video games, though I really enjoy most forms of illustration. I started doing art way way back in my early childhood and didn't realize I wanted to do art for a living until I was accidentally put into an art class. Art is my life now and I could never see myself doing anything else.
Ringling College of Art and Design '10